That would be people just like me. And so Dhansak seemed like the perfect way to end the Parsi fortnight.
King's Dhansak recipe covers three pages of My Bombay Kitchen and involves putting sixteen ingredients -- two kinds of legume, many vegetables, chilies, and some herbs -- in a giant pot and letting them boil away until they essentially collapse. After that, you run the murky potage through a food mill, and to the resulting puree add some onions you have fried with Dhana Jiru and Sambhar Masala. Then you cook the Dhansak for another hour while you scramble around trying to assemble the side dishes. (Sorry Mark -- this post will definitely be prolix.)

What else. . .
Oh God, there was so much else. I made the delicate caramelized fried rice and sweet-and-sour onion kachumbar -- a wonderful relish full of tangy tamarind and rich brown jag

Still wondering: Do I want that wasabi feeling in the back of my head?
To help us eat this gargantuan meal, Justine, Michael, and Stella kindly agreed to come over, providing thoughts, compliments, poison of delight, and photography assistance. I've offered my own assessments of many of the specific dishes, but I have not commented on the Dhansak itself.
It is painful to admit that the Dhansak was a huge disappointment. For all that chopping and food milling and boiling, it struck me as nothing more than an olive-drab, harshly-spiced lentil soup. I've read other recipes that include lamb, or chicken, so maybe it is not Dhansak I don't care for, but this recipe. It's such a symbolically sad way to end the mostly happy Parsi era by disliking the "emblematic" Parsi dish.
an epic effort, to be sure. there is a lot to be said for rice.
ReplyDeletecan someone tell me how this blogspot thing works.
how can one search for blogs on the blogger or blogspot site? I wanted to see if I could find this blog by searching for indian food, or something like that. but when I sign in, the only search field I get, in the upper left-hand corner, doesn't seem to help.
Moral: beware of recipes combining 16 ingredients, many steps and hours of cooking. Unless passed on by a truly trusted friend (and better still, one who doesn't like cooking!)
ReplyDeleteSad to leave India but sure you will return. And looking forward to then next adventure.
Round the world with the tipsy baker...
s. phipga
Dhansak! Poor Dhansak! you have been much maligned by T.B. And unjustly so! Lentil Soup? no no no, this was scrumptious, flavorful, nourishing, enthralling, spicy! i will agree that it didn't look very exciting, and that it was a little thin, but i LOVED it. Really, i am going to hop in my car right now and come relieve of your poor, misunderstood oversupply. mmm. and the meatballs that went with it: fantastic. as was the rhubarb chutney I ate about 3 cups of.
ReplyDeleteand phipka, while i heartily agree with your moral, i'd add another moral to this experience which is that sometimes tasty is in the mouth of the taster. and let's never forget that hunger is the best sauce, after rhubarb chutney that is!
I almost feel like writing a new post, but no. I was much to hard on Dhansak. I just reheated it for lunch and it was just great. Also healthy. Also very low in Weight Watchers points! Just 2.5 for a wholesome, hearty, super-spicy cup. If I'd stayed away from the banana bread (5 points per slice) I'd be in great shape.
ReplyDeleteAs a parsi I will tell you rule number one with our cuisine - it tastes TEN TIMES better on day two or three. The flavors need a lot of time to marry. Congrats on making the full recipe, glad you enjoyed it the next day!
ReplyDeletehouston mover