Friday, November 13, 2009

I got a heritage turkey, my sister had a baby

She just has to upstage me. I wanted everyone to come see my fantastic turkey but instead they've been trouping over to the hospital to admire that baby of hers. Typical.

Turkey is an unnamed male, a Narragansett, slim and gentle, who nestles up next to his wheezing, sclerotic, factory-bred bride and grooms her. He is graceful and awesomely beautiful and makes a musical trilling sound as he strolls around the yard. 

Baby is an unnamed male, robust and pink, or so I have heard. I have not seen him because we are taking care of my niece and they are not letting germy humans under age 16 into the maternity ward. But all reporters agree that this infant is awesomely beautiful and cries lustily and later today I will see for myself.


  1. Poor Tom Turkey, getting upstaged like that. He sounds like a real keeper!
    So does the other new arrival. Congratulations to you all on the new baby! Wonderful news! And good for you for taking the new big sister.

  2. Congratulations to your sister and her family! :) Best, Ida

  3. And a comment from an admirer who can't even get around to raising the chickens that she's been yabbering about for 2 years....and now you've got a turkey!
    Congratulations to all on the arrival of the new baby; could he possibly be a cute as that big sister? Jackie

  4. A time for gratitude, indeed.

    That turkey is handsome.

  5. Is it a heritage baby?

  6. Congrats to BOTH additions to your family!

  7. Yay for both new additions! My recommendation is to wait to name the boy turkey until after the boy human has been named. ("You named the turkey Oliver?! That's what I was going to name the baby!!")

    Assuming your Romeo and Juliet make little turkey babies, I wonder if you can still call the offspring Narragansetts since they are still domestic/wild hybrids. Maybe it depends on the coloring.

    I've been reading "Keeping Chickens" by Kilarski and she says that rats are inevitable. Is that true? This may be the death of my chicken fantasies.

  8. AzureSong -- It is so interesting that you bring up the rats. We have not had (or seen) a single rat, but last night someone was describing her chicken-rat problem. They tried every possible fix, but It became so disgusting and the rats so aggressive, that they finally got rid of their chickens. I have been thinking about this ever since, wondering why we don't have rats and if it is inevitable because if it is, all bets are off. Bobcats are one thing; rats are another.

  9. Three cats may be the reason for no least I hope so. But as the flock grows, it may get tougher. I do not like even considering the possibility. Perhaps keeping the cats slightly hungry would be smart.
