I adore Checka who is neither stingy nor ascetic, but her concept of a larder partly explains why I became a baker, if not a tipsy one.
For that, I blame you, Dad.
I finally fled the construction zone of my home yesterday. The water main burst and there was a mixup with the evil floor guys, some hostility, some anxiety, and I couldn't find a private place to get dressed, so I threw everything in the car and ran to Checka's house where I continue to camp out.
Mark has returned; the eating odyssey proceeds. A fine pho and imperial roll lunch (B+) at a restaurant recommended by Patricia Unterman. A couple of dismal egg custard tarts (C, B-) from random bakeries on Clement Street. Dinner at Bar Tartine (B+) which is lovely and precious and a little smug. Marrow bones: skimpy! Gnocchi: I've made better. No complaints, however, about the coconut parfait.
What a shame I forgot to pack my scale.
Oh Tipsy, I'm sure your father has much to answer for, but the logic of this one is hard to follow.