Thursday, November 25, 2010

A prettier Thanksgiving post

Thanksgiving 1998
My mother was a great one for holidays. She did not just tolerate holiday parties -- she loved holiday parties. She always dressed up and made toasts and called me the next day at 8 a.m. to rehash every single detail and comment on every single thing we ate. Tonight isn't going to be the same without her, and neither is tomorrow morning. I wish I could tell her how much I miss her.

See my pretty turkey platter?

Three years ago my mother and I wandered into a shop and I said, "I want that platter for Christmas." And she said, "You will have that platter for Christmas."

Isabel has had mixed success with the pies.
Cookies hide crust shrinkage.
She wanted to throw this particular pie away, but I forbade that. She also made a chocolate caramel tart and a pumpkin sour cream pie. I made a chess pie and a buttermilk-maple pie. Too many pies is our tradition.

Time to put on makeup and a festive dress. My mother would want that.


  1. Thought of you so much today. My hard drive crashed, taking years of photos with it, and I've been too despondent to get on the computer much since...but your blog is one of the few things I've missed. Hope today was ok, and your dress was festive and your turkey platter lovely.

    1. Great pies finished off great meal with kids from age 1 to 98, but we sure missed Tipsy's mom.

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  2. Great pies finished off great meal with kids from age 1 to 98, but we sure missed Tipsy's mom.

  3. I just love how much Tipsy's mom looks like Tipsy in that shot.

    And I love that platter story.

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