Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Id and superego saw Eclipse and guess what? They disagreed.

If Betty MacDonald had seen Eclipse she might have said nicer things about the Native Americans of Washington State.

I walked out of the theater yesterday, called Isabel and told her how much I enjoyed Eclipse. She replied, "Didn't you think it was STUPID?"

I was so proud of her! I said, "Of course it was stupid, but I also loved it." I wanted to tell her that if she were in Bella's shoes I would twist Edward's pale undead head off with my very own hands and insist she get with the werewolf. But it didn't seem appropriate. Time magazine's excellent review -- Mary Pols calls Edward a "maiden"-- says everything I want to say about this berserk movie, but says it better.

One of my favorite bloggers, Kacy Faulconer, recently exhorted sheepish Twilight fans to stand up for themselves. "If you like it, you think it's good, right? I mean, if you think it's dumb then why do you like it?. . .You don't get to love it and be above it at the same time."

I hate to disagree with Kacy, but you totally do! Ambivalence may be the only appropriate response when confronted with a "work" such as Eclipse. While I was scoffing at this movie (man, this is dumb -- the wooden dialogue? the army of glowy-eyed vampires marching out of the water? Jacob never puts on a shirt?) I was also loving it (those vampires marching out of the water! Jacob never puts on a shirt!) Above it and also loved it, which is how I feel about Kenny Rogers, Grey's Anatomy, and Jell-O instant vanilla pudding.

I didn't cook anything yesterday except a grilled cheese sandwich. Tonight we are going to a special (we hope) dinner here. What I am not ordering: zucchini tartare.


  1. I'm above Twilight, and I'm above people who love it. But they're above me for loving Buffy, so . . .

    Those ids are always making us look bad. And those superegos are such nags.

  2. Loved visiting teenagerhood in the books. Loved it. Terrible writing. But wow, so evocative.
    Glad the movie will allow the same dynamic tension!

  3. mom, you wouldnt have to twist of edwards head for me, i would do it myself

  4. Glad to hear it, thanksalot. Take matters into your own hands!

  5. You are making me want to see Twilight which I never thought I would say. Really curious to hear what you think of Commis. I went there, oh, several months ago. I thought it was fairly uneven--the guinea hen was great, the something or other with foam, not so much. I couldn't believe the star. Wondering if it is worth another try or if I should just stick with my favorite, Dopo, up the street.

  6. Hmmm. I can't say that I've ever screened any of the Twilight movies, but I do recall when a huge number of folks camped out outside our office (around the corner from where the premiere took place) for a week in the cold and rain to catch a glimpse of the cast. This was not for the current movie but the previous edition. I can't say I understand, but they seemed happy despite the adverse conditions.

  7. I've stayed away from Twilight, despite enthusiastic reviews from several other Moms, because I'm pretty sure I'd become addicted. My brain is already occupied with various other guilty pleasures that I'm trying to shed. I gave up American Idol, but I can't stop watching that wreck of a show "The Bachelor."

  8. My husband shakes his head at my addiction to Harry Potter, but I laugh out loud and call him a girl over his to Twilight.

  9. I really hope to see these movies some day. Some day.
